
The data of reading and monitoring undertaken in the framework of international studies – PIRLS and PISA, show that the reading rates of Russian school children who graduated from primary school, are very high, and are low for those who graduated from high (basic) school. This means that in the 5th grade of secondary school, the number of students capable and eager to read diminishes. The analysis of the current children’s reading model shows the predominance of an efferent direction of school childrens motivation in the process of literary education. There is urgency in the problem of the so-called teenagers “screen reading”, the technique of which is mastered empirically by school children. The Internet and the mass media profoundly affect the formation of reading culture in modern teenagers, and increasingly widen the “student – hard copy” gap.To tackle the problem of motivation to reading, a number of preventive measures promoting changes in school reading models have been proposed:1. In accordance with the purpose, the nature and content of “reading culture” concept in psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature have been defined;2. Psycho-pedagogical conditions of 4th – 7th grade school children’s reading culture formation have been substantiated;3. Effective forms and methods of teaching in order to form reading culture in 4th – 7th grades have been defined;4. The effectiveness of adolescent dialogue with fiction writers in building reading culture of primary and secondary school students has been experimentally tested and proved.

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