
This research examines the factors influencing adolescent girl childbirth in Vietnam by employing data from the 2019 Vietnam Population and Housing Census and socio-ecological theory. The research underscores the substantial impact of environmental systems on adolescent childbirth, encompassing age, marital status, educational level, living area, and ethnicity. Higher adolescent birth rates are observed among older adolescents, ethnic minorities, and those with lower levels of education; this highlights the significance of cultural norms, restricted healthcare access, and poverty in influencing these results. The study emphasizes the importance of education, access to healthcare, and community support in mitigating the occurrence of pregnancies among adolescents. It further advocates for focused interventions that enhance the development of human capital, with a specific focus on rural regions and ethnic minority populations. To lessen the hazards associated with adolescent pregnancy, the study recommends policies that reduce child marriage and early motherhood and enhance education and knowledge on sexual and reproductive health.

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