
Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and adaptive moment estimation (ADAM) are two optimizers of paramount importance in convex optimization (CO) and deep learning (DL), respectively. Numerous state-of-the-art algorithms for solving inverse problems are achieved by carefully designing a convex criterion, typically composed of a data-fitting term and a regularizer. Even when the regularizer is convex, its mathematical form is often sophisticated, hence inducing a math-heavy optimization procedure and making the algorithm design a daunting task for software engineers. Probably for this reason, people turn to solve the inverse problems via DL, but this requires big data collection, quite time-consuming if not impossible. Motivated by these facts, we propose a new framework, termed as ADMM-ADAM, for solving inverse problems. As the key contribution, even just with small/single data, the proposed ADMM-ADAM is able to exploit DL to obtain a convex regularizer of very simple math form, followed by solving the regularized criterion using simple CO algorithm. As a side contribution, a state-of-the-art hyperspectral inpainting algorithm is designed under ADMM-ADAM, demonstrating its superiority even without the aid of big data or sophisticated mathematical regularization.

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