
The philosophical basis of this research is the author’s perception of the state as a holistic social phenomenon in its systemic relationships. Considering the dimensional component of the state’s category, which is its territory, as one of mandatory sign of the state, the author considers the administrative-territorial structure as an external expression of the territorial organization of power. Substantiating the relevance of research, the author emphasizes that it takes place in real time during the election process and a short post-election period on the basis of the new administrative-territorial structure, which in itself proves the relevance of this work. In the absence of such scientific works to reflect the current realization of reform of the territorial organization of power, the author determines the purpose of the research as the need to obtain holistic and systematized initial information regarding reformed administrative-territorial structure and local government of Khmelnytskyi region. Reforming administrative-territorial structure of the region is considered in close connection with the administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine as a whole. The research is based on the norms of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Central Election Commission of Ukraine. Such data are analytically generalized: created and liquidated regions; formed territorial communities with the determined administrative centres and the disbanded territorial communities; the affiliation of the disbanded territorial communities to the formed territorial communities with the determination of the districts and cities, to which the disbanded communities according to the old administrative system belonged; number of regional councils at all levels in 2020 and number and status of councils elected in 2020; number of deputies elected in 2020 to regional councils at all levels; composition of city, town and village mayors elected for the first time, re-elected, number of men and women elected to these positions. The article is illustrated by the administrative map of Khmelnytskyi region according to the new administrative-territorial structure and seven tables that benefit better perception of its content.

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