
Summary Summary The reform of what is seen as an inefficient and overpoliticised administration is now seen as an essential complement to the ongoing process of administrative reform in China. This article looks at the context in which this is happening, and in particular at the administrative implications of economic decentralisation and political democratisation. Present structures are criticised for producing excessive privileges, clientalism, poor coordination and an excessive concentration of political, administrative and economic power. It describes the solutions being proposed, and notes how closely they follow traditional ‘western’ models. Finally it looks at the reform programme's prospects for success by examining the reasons for its emergence and the nature of the social structures and forces which are supporting and opposing it. Resume Resume Les Reformes administratives dans la Chine Post‐Maoiste La reforme de ce qui est considere comme une administration inefficace et sur‐politisee est aujourd'hui ressentie comme un complement essentiel au processus constant de reforme administrative en Chine. Cet article analyse le context dans lequel celle‐ci est en train de se derouler, et en particulier les consequences administratives de la decentralisation administrative et de la democratisation politique. Les structures actuelles sont critiquees car elles produisent des privileges excessifs, du clientelisme, une coordination insuffisante et une concentration excessive de pouvoir economique, administratif et politique. Je presente les solutions proposees, et souligne combien celles‐ci suivent les modeles ‘traditionnels’ de l'Ouest. Finalement, l'article considere les possibilites de succes du programme de reforme en analysant les raisons de sa creation et la nature des structures et forces sociales qui l'imposent et le supportent.

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