
The extension service is one of the vital services that farmers in general and farmers in particular desperately need because it takes care of them and focuses on meeting their needs as well as developing solutions to their agricultural problems. Therefore, the research aimed to identify the administrative problems of extension and agricultural training in the process of implementing extension activities and ways to address them from the point of view of agricultural extension agents in the governorates of the central region. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the questionnaire was designed for the purpose of identifying administrative problems in the process of implementing extension activities first, and then developing treatments as a second goal by identifying the opinions of agricultural extension agents, relying on the literature related to the subject of specialized experts. The questionnaire was presented in its initial form to a group of experts to seek their views on the design components (fields, paragraphs) and verify its validity. The results showed that the percentage of agreement (75%) of the experts’ opinions was obtained by all the axes and paragraphs of the questionnaire. The research community included all the agricultural extension workers working at the headquarters of the Agricultural Extension and Training Department and its formations in the governorates of the central region. The number of those included in the research was (118) agricultural extension agents. Then treat all the data received statistically where there was (weight percentile, weighted mean). The final research results showed that all the administrative problems that were put in the design of the questionnaire are real problems facing the Agricultural Extension and Training Department, as it obtained a weighted mean greater than the imposed mean in the scale of approval ratings used in the research. As for the results of the second objective, the results showed that the topic of interest in the participants’ reactions came in the first place as a real treatment of the administrative problems of the Agricultural Extension and Training Department in the implementation of extension activities. The research recommended improving the administrative process and dealing with the principle of flexibility when drawing up the department’s policies in general, as well as working on the issue of authorizing powers for agricultural extension workers during implementation operations in order to increase the effectiveness of the extension activities implemented.

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