
The article considers the state and military administration of the Timurid state. The key attention is paid to the transformations and reforms during the reign of Amir Temur. In the process of reforming his state system, the ruler was able to create a new administrative apparatus. The article also discusses the judicial and legislative power, the coverage of which is presented in the work "Temur's Code". An important place in the article is given to the consideration of military administration and hierarchy in the army of Amir Temur. The author emphasizes that Amir Temur was interested in the issues of centralization of power in the army and for this he limited the power of tribal leaders. The state built by Amir Temur, first of all, had to embody the best form of the political system. The relative stability of centralized power in Temur's empire made it possible to develop not only urban and agriculture, but also gave a great impetus to the development of crafts, trade, commodity-money relations, which were of exceptional importance for economic life.

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