
Administration of 5-HT receptor antagonist to snails trained in conditioned food aversion prior to reminding of the conditioning stimulus caused amnesia. At the early period of amnesia (day 3), injections of protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide without reminder or reminder alone were ineffective. At the same time, injections of the inhibitor combined with reminder led to memory recovery; this effect in most animals persisted for at least 10 days. In the rest snails, aversive responses to presentations of the conditioning stimulus persisted for 2 days. Cycloheximide injection and reminder in 10 days after induction of amnesia did not affect its development or caused a transient memory recovery (2 days). We hypothesized that amnesia is an active process unfolding in time. One of mechanism of this process is reminder-induced and protein synthesis-depended reactivation of amnesia. Inhibitor of protein synthesis disturbed this reactivation and led to recovery of the initial memory of conditioned food aversion.

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