
Aging is a natural thing that happens to all individuals. Currently, the theory of the causes of aging is starting to develop, with this as the basis for efforts to prevent aging to achieve longevity individuals in good health and quality. This occurs due to exposure to UVB rays exceeding the dose and repeatedly for a long time. This also results in collagen degradation and an even higher increase in MMP-1. Betalain pigment, which gives red beetroot its reddish-purple color, is the most important component. Beet tubers in several studies are the ten fruits that have the greatest concentration of antioxidants. This research is an experimental study using a post-test-only control group design. Subjects were 30 Wistar rats, divided into 3 treatment groups where each group consisted of 10 rats. Measurement of MMP-1 using the immunohistochemical method and size of collagen with Pico-Sirius-Red staining. The group of mice with UVB exposure intervention and given beetroot cream had the lowest average MMP1 expression, 25.11%, and had a higher average amount of collagen, 80.08% pixels. There was a significant difference in the mean MMP-1 expression and the amount of collagen in the three observation groups. The correlation test showed that the correlation coefficient (r) between the administration of red beet root extract (Beta vulgaris) inhibited the increase in MMP-1 expression with a strong relationship (r = -0.712). Meanwhile, the administration of red beet root extract (Beta vulgaris) inhibited the decrease in the amount of collagen with a strong association strength (r = 0.785). Topical administration of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) 15% extract cream can inhibit the increase in MMP 1 expression and decrease in collagen in the skin of Wistar rats exposed to ultraviolet B light as seen from the mean difference and strong correlation strength.

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