
The problem of this research was how much the relation of administration of education facilities with the learning result of Accounting in SMA Islam Teladan Palembang in Academic Year 2015/2016. This study aimed at determining the relationship of educational facilities to Accounting learning outcomes in SMA Islam Teladan Palembang. The sample of research were 72 students, with two variables, the learning tool (independent variable) and Accounting learning result (dependent variable). Data collection techniques used documentation and questionnaire. Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive, product moment and t-test. The results of this study obtained the value of r count = 0.1802 based on interpretation table r value is expressed to have a level of relationship High. While the value of r table at the significant score of 5% = 0.235 it means r count greater than r table at the significant price of 5% = 0.235 it obtained value r count larger than r tabl e (0.1802 ≥ 0,235). and test of t-test hypothesis from calculation to get value 𝑡 count equal to = 9,105 when compared with value of t table equal to 1,944 that mean 𝑡 count bigger than t table = (9,105≥1,994) hence Ho refused and Ha accepted. There is a relationship of educational facilities to student learning outcomes in the subjects of Accounting in SMA Islam Teladan Palembang Year Lesson 2015/2016. There is a relationship of educational facilities to student learning outcomes in the subjects of Accounting in SMA Islam Teladan Palembang Year Lesson 2015/2016.

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