
Understanding finances as well as personal financial management are currently in evidence in Brazil, due to economic instability. The aim of this study was to identify the financial management practices adopted by high school students at a state school in the city of Unaí-MG. To this end, a survey was conducted with 42 high school students from a state school. The research is classified as exploratory, descriptive, bibliographic, field, and quantitative as to the nature of the data. The main findings of the study show that most students have their own source of income, this source being work; the remuneration of the majority of students and even a minimum wage; most of them keep records of income and expenses, and the means used are annotations in a notebook; with regard to the relationship of students with personal finances, 45% spend at the limit of what they earn and 23% spend more than they earn, justifying it, since 55% do not invest part of their income, and the reason for 27% and not being left over cash.

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