
SummaryIn the process of implementing the functions and objectives of the state to ensure therealization of human rights and freedoms Officials of the public administration authoritiesbased on the concept of building competent administrative legislation оften face the needto make management decisions, based on their administrative discretion. Effectiveness andfeasibility of adopted and implemented in such conditions managerial decisions directlydepends on the professional level of the public administrator. The level of professionalismdepends not only on the level of knowledge and skills of the public administrator, but alsodepends a considerable extent from its desire and desire to properly blame its professionalvocation. Legal deontology contributes to the regulatory definition of the optimal crime ofmoral and ethical requirements compliance with which testifies to the readiness of the publicadministration authorities system to implement the functions and objectives of the state asappropriate. The article analyzes the concept of public administration and is concluded aboutits identity of the Public Administration category. Both administrative and legal categoriesare manifested as the process of developing, making and implement management decisions.Administrative legislation is constructed in such a way that its procedural part based onopportunities based on and within the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine, it is based on publicadministration based on administrative discretion. In public administration, the result of theimplementation of the administrative discretion is the formation of an appropriate managementstyle, as the result of the use and variation association of permissible forms and managementmethods. The public administrator is a representative of the state in a relationship with aperson. The level of rights and freedoms proclaimed by law depends on his managementdecisions. Given the need to appeal when making decisions to administrative discretion, thedeontological component of the professional characteristics of the public administrator seemsto be significant.

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