
During a recent survey of epilithic diatoms in running waters of New Caledonia, two unknown Adlafia Moser, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin species were found. Both species are described as new based on light and scanning electron microscopy (LM and SEM). Adlafia moseri sp. nov., is characterised by its margins morphology, its large size and its low stria density, clearly visible in LM. Adlafia tjibaoui sp. nov. shows a very long internal intermissio with curved proximal raphe endings and a very high stria density. Since the generitype Adlafia muscora (Kociolek & de Reviers) Moser, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin was poorly described, its diagnosis is emended based on more detailed scanning electron microscopy observations. Kobayasiella saxicola (Manguin) Lange-Bertalot, only described in light microscopy, occurs frequently in some running waters in New Caledonia. An emended description of this taxon is likewise proposed based on additional SEM data.

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