
Adjuvant chemoradiation for gastric cancer is used more frequently, but there is no general opinion about the effect of this treatment. The aim of this study was to compare adjuvant chemoradiation with adjuvant chemotherapy after radical operation for stomach cancer. A total of 133 patients were included in this prospective study. Sixty-three patients after curative gastrectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer were assigned to the chemoradiotherapy group and 70 to the chemotherapy group. The groups were identical by age, sex, and cancer stages. Toxicity was evaluated by the WHO scale, and survival was evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Grade III and IV toxicity was found more frequently in the chemoradiation group than in the chemotherapy group (44.4% and 7.1%, respectively; P<0.0001). Treatment was not finished in 27% of patients in the chemoradiation group and 11.4% in the chemotherapy group (P=0.03). Overall survival was better in the chemotherapy group as compared with the chemoradiation group (P=0.039). Median survival for patients with stage III and IV cancer was 41 months in the chemotherapy group and 18 months in the chemoradiation group (P=0.085). Survival of patients with stage IIIA cancer in the chemotherapy group was significantly better (P=0.005). Median survival is shorter in the adjuvant chemoradiation group after curative gastrectomy for gastric cancer as compared with the adjuvant chemotherapy group. Adjuvant chemoradiation is more toxic and should be recommended only for patients with advanced-stage cancer.


  • Sixty-three patients after curative gastrectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer were assigned to the chemoradiotherapy group and 70 to the chemotherapy group

  • Treatment was not finished in 27% of patients in the chemoradiation group and 11.4% in the chemotherapy group (P=0.03)

  • Overall survival was better in the chemotherapy group as compared with the chemoradiation group (P=0.039)

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Gydymas chemoterapija

Sergančiųjų IIIb stadijos skrandžio vėžiu išgyvenamumas taikant chemoterapiją ir chemospindulinį gydymą dikali operacija (RO) galima 40–60 proc. Tirti 556 ligoniai, sergantys Ib-IVM0 stadijos skrandžio vėžiu, kuriems po operacijos atsitiktinės atrankos būdu buvo skiriamas chemospindulinis gydymas su 5-fluorouracilu arba palikta be adjuvantinio gydymo. Vidutiniškai po penkerių metų stebėjimo statistinė analizė parodė, kad išgyvenamumas ir laikotarpis be ligos atkryčio buvo statistiškai reikšmingai ilgesnis chemospindulinio gydymo grupėje. Adjuvantinis chemospindulinis gydymas po radikalių skrandžio adenokarcinomos operacijų nepagerino išgyvenamumo, o sergančiųjų IIIA stadija buvo netgi statistiškai reikšmingai trumpesnis palyginus su įprastine adjuvantine chemoterapija po radikalių skrandžio vėžio operacijų. Kad chemospindulinis gydymas ligoniams po radikalių skrandžio vėžio operacijų šiuo metu negali būti rekomenduojamas kaip standartas. 2. Chemospindulinis gydymas nepagerino radikaliai operuotų ligonių išgyvenamumo lyginant su įprastine chemoterapija, todėl galėtų būti rekomenduojamas tik lokaliai išplitusių navikų (neradikalių) operacijų atvejais. The aim of this study was to compare adjuvant chemoradiation with adjuvant chemotherapy after radical operation for stomach cancer

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