
GaP:MnP samples, which consist of GaP(001) epilayers with embedded MnP nanoclusters occupying approximately 7% of the epilayer volume, were grown at three different substrate temperatures (600, 650, and 700 °C) using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Angle dependent ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy indicates that, in all samples, MnP clusters are crystallographically oriented along specific GaP directions and possess high magnetic anisotropy fields. FMR results also suggest that the growth temperature significantly modifies the distribution of clusters among the possible orientations. This is verified from the measured angular dependence of the remanent magnetization, which shows a different crystallographic orientation of the GaP:MnP effective magnetic easy axis for each growth temperature. Modeling of the remanent magnetization allowed the determination of the relative volume fraction of clusters corresponding to each MnP c-axis orientation at a given growth temperature. These results support our assumption that the clusters are monodomains and suggest that the growth temperature could eventually be used to adjust the magnetic properties of these GaP:MnP structures.

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