
The intracapsular forceps described in this article has what I consider to be definite advantages in its construction. The operator can accurately limit the size of the fold of capsule grasped by its blades. Whether a certain intracapsular forceps should be opened 2 or 4 mm. depends somewhat on individual factors in the technic of the surgeon, such as the following two : (1) the presence or absence of pressure on the globe externally, when obtaining the bite with the forceps and (2) the amount of pressure applied to the forceps downward against the capsule as the blades of the forceps are being closed. If the operator includes between the closed blades of the intracapsular forceps an exceedingly large fold of capsule, he can do this only by increasing the relative tension of the capsule on its contained cortex and nucleus. If the fold of capsule between the blades

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