
Adiox is a state-of-the-art dioxin removal technology that has established itself as a cost-effective way to reduce dioxin emissions to the atmosphere. Adiox is a construction material in which carbon particles are dispersed in a polymer such as polypropylene. Several types of components such as tower packings for wet scrubbers, demisters (droplet separators) and dry or semi-wet fixed bed fillings can be produced from Adiox material. The majority of the Adiox installations can be divided into three main categories: a) Adiox as police filter to reduce or eliminate the “memory effect” in scrubber systems with upstream dioxin removal in bag house filters. b) Adiox in combination with other dioxin removal technologies in order to improve the overall dioxin removal and increase the safety margins. c) Adiox as the primary dioxin removal system for meeting the EU waste incineration directive with an emission requirement of < 0.1 ng TEQ/m (n., d.g., 11% O2). At Mabjergvaerket in Denmark, wet Adiox scrubbers in combination with one electrostatic precipitator per line act as the main dioxin filter since the fall of 2004. The dioxin measurements carried out so far show stack concentrations far below the emission limit. If Adiox is employed in a dry absorber instead of a wet scrubber, the specific removal efficiency is higher, which leads to smaller equipment sizes. A full-scale dry absorber has been in operation at the Linkoping municipal waste incineration facility since the end of 2006. After use, Adiox can be incinerated, thereby destroying the dioxins.

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