
Modern lightweight concepts in the automotive industry are governed by the aim to reduce fuel consumption on the one hand, and by increasing requirements in terms of functionality such as crashworthiness, durability and driving performance on the other hand. Structural adhesive bonding in combination with high strength steels is one of the key tools in this effort. Crash durable, toughened epoxy adhesives are in the process of opening up new design possibilities to the automotive industry. A fundament of experimental data to describe the failure behaviour of toughened epoxy adhesives under different kinds of loads, as well as verified calculation concepts for the simulation of adhesive joints, are essential for the widespread usage of adhesive bonding as an economical, versatile joining technology suitable for meaningful structural usage. This paper presents experimental results with a one-component toughened epoxy adhesive under quasi static and crash loading, and achievements to simulate adhesively bonded components under crash loading. Furthermore, this article highlights and explains the importance of local force and displacement measurement on the specimens, since the machine rigidity and dynamic effects significantly influence the test data. This requires advanced testing machines and sophisticated measurement systems.

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