
The adherence of American patients with self-reported glaucoma to the follow-up recommendations is extremely low. Estimated adherence rate is lower than that obtained by previous studies that did not use a US nationally representative sample. To evaluate adherence to ophthalmic outpatient follow-up visits and vision examinations in the American population aged 40 years or above. The percentage of American patients aged≥40 years who adhered to glaucoma treatment guidelines was estimated using 2015-2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data. Adherence was defined according to the International Council of Ophthalmology guidelines. We also compared individuals with and without self-reported glaucoma who have made at least one ophthalmic outpatient visit and at least 1 vision examination visit within a year. Differences in means and percentages were estimated to account for the covariance due to the complex sampling design. Approximately 4.4 million people aged or above 40 years had self-reported glaucoma in 2019 (3.21%). The rate of prevalence significantly differed with race, with Black people having the highest prevalence in all studied years. Only 7.1% (95% CI: 0.049-0.102) and 2.67% (95% CI: 0.0137-0.0519) of this population underwent at least 1 ophthalmic outpatient examination or 1 vision examination per year. Older age, never married status, higher education, eye conditions, and diabetes were significantly associated with a higher probability of ophthalmic health care use. Adherence to follow-up among patients with self-reported glaucoma in this population-level study was lower than that in previously reported American, non-nationally representative studies. Barriers to adherence at the population level should be assessed to inform the design of future policy or program interventions.

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