
ADHEMAR Monteil, bishop Puy and papal legate on the First Crusade, has intrigued historians for eight hundred years and more. Placed in highly influential position at critical time, his premature death robbed him the chance to fulfill the promise which his career plainly showed. As the personal and official representative Pope Urban II with the armies the First Crusade, Bishop Adhemar's policies, the attitude he took toward the feudal princes who headed the several armies which participated in the Crusade, the extent to which he was able to impose upon the princes obedience to the wishes the pope, the attitude he took toward the churches and churchmen the East all were highly significant in determining the relative success the expedition. Yet, it is exceedingly difficult to reconstruct the historical Adhemar Monteil; difficult to say just how he did handle the princes on the Crusade or to what extent he was able to impose upon them obedience to papal wishes. The historians the First Crusade agree, however, that Adhemar was important, that he was genuinely influential, and that his influence on the Crusaders was beneficial. The testimony historians on these points is all but unanimous from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries. Adhemar, we are told, gave sustenance to the poor and counsel to the rich,' he ruled God's army wisely and thoughtfully,2 he was man of revered character and immortal memory,3 a respectable prelate, alike qualified for this world and the next,4 whose firm, conciliatory attitude held the Crusaders together,' and whose death was one the greatest tragedies the Crusade.6 The praises Bishop Adhemar, as leader, as cleric, and as soldier, have been recounted by dozen chroniclers the First Crusade and by score historians, from William Tyre to Sir Steven Runciman. Despite all this, in Runciman's words, Adhemar remains a rather shadowy figure.

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