
Neonatal nutrition is an important subject in health in the short, medium and long term. In preterm newborns, nutrition assumes a predominant role for the child's overall development. Babies with uncoordinated swallowing or respiration may not have the necessary oral abilities to suck the mother's breast and will need to implement different feeding practices; one of them is changing the consistency of the milk offered.ObjectivesDetermine viscosity variations of untreated human and pasteurized milk without and with thickening to adapt the diet to the needs of dysphagic infants hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Cara Unit (NICU). Material and MethodsThe authors altered the viscosity of natural infant powdered milk and, after thickening, determined and adopted a thickening standard for human milk. Untreated human and pasteurized milk was thickened in concentrations of 2%, 3%, 5% and 7% and the viscosity were determined every 20 minutes for a period of 60 minutes at a temperature of 37ºC. ResultsThe infant lactose formula thickened at concentrations of 2% and 3% produced viscosities of 8.97cP and 27.73 cP, respectively. The increases were significantly different after 1 hour. Inversely, untreated human milk at 2%, 3%, 5% and 7% produced diminished viscosity over time; the changes were more accentuated in the first 20 minutes. In pasteurized human milk, the 2% concentration had no variation in viscosity, but with the 3%, 5% and 7% concentrations, there was a significant decrease in the first 20 minutes with stability observed in the subsequent times. ConclusionIn powdered milk, the viscosity increases over time; the viscosity in human milk diminishes. The results point out the importance not only of considering the concentration of the thickener but also the time being administered after its addition to effectively treat dysphagic infants.


  • Neonatal nutrition is an important subject in community health and social planning policies, especially for questions arising from the lack of PDWHUQDO QXUVLQJ 3DUWLFXODUO\ LQ SUHWHUP QHZERUQV nutrition takes on a predominant role for the child’s overall development

  • The goal of this study is to determine the variation in viscosity of untreated human and SDVWHXUL]HG PLON ZLWKRXW DQG ZLWK GLIIHUHQW GHJUHHV RI WKLFNHQLQJ 7KLV ZLOO RIIHU KHDOWK SURIHVVLRQDOV information that can enable them to respond to the needs of the dysphagic infants hospitalized in the 1,&8 ZLWKRXW LQWHUUXSWLQJ WKH XVH RI KXPDQ PLON

  • &RPSDUHG ZLWK SRZGHUHG PLON KXPDQ PLON produced an inverse viscosity behavior: the YLVFRVLW\ GLPLQLVKHG ZLWK WLPH :LWK WKH SRZGHUHG PLON WKHUH ZDV D SURJUHVVLYH DQG UDSLG LQFUHDVH ZLWK D WHQGHQF\ WR VWDELOL]H,Q WKLV ZD\ ZH LPDJLQH that the immediate offer of human milk after the addition of thickener could minimize such effects and preserve the desired degree of thickening

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Neonatal nutrition is an important subject in community health and social planning policies, especially for questions arising from the lack of PDWHUQDO QXUVLQJ 3DUWLFXODUO\ LQ SUHWHUP QHZERUQV nutrition takes on a predominant role for the child’s overall development. Various obstacles can prevent adequate nutrition for this population during the hospitalization SHULRG GLI¿FXOWLHV LQ IHHGLQJ RUDOO\ GXH WR D GHOD\ in maturation and in acquiring the necessary oral sensory motor skills, prolonged use of trachealoral tubes and gastric probes, immaturity of the cardiorespiratory system, central nervous system and oro-facial musculature. These factors can LQWHUIHUH ZLWK WKH QXWULWLRQDO SURFHVV SURYRNHG E\ the disorganization of the normal pattern of sucking, hyper-sensibility to peri-touch and/or intra-oral stimuli. There can be a lack of coordination LQ VXFNLQJ UHVSLUDWLRQ DQG VZDOORZLQJ UHVXOWLQJ in complications such as food being aspirated LQWR DLU SDVVDJHV ZKHQ VZDOORZLQJ GRHV QRW RFFXU effectively[6,11,14,15]


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