
The coastal embankment system has been gradually built during the last 40 years. The embankments were originally designed to increase agricultural production by preventing salt water intrusion not to protect against cyclonic storms. The alignment of the embankments did not consider the changing conditions in bathymetry of the sea and thalweg migration of the rivers and therefore many embankments are located under tidal water level and have severe toe and slope erosion problems during the monsoon season. The crest level and embankment cross sections have not optimized the protection of hinterland and the embankment itself and therefore the embankments typically only provide protection for the cyclones with 5-12 year return periods and the designed crest level of the sea facing coastal polder equal to the sum of normal maximum recorded water stage plus 1.50m. In this study to estimate the design crest level and side slope for sea facing embankment have been established based on maximum storm surge level, wave run-up for cyclonic wave, freeboard allowing 5 l/m/s overtopping ,potential climate change impact and land subsidence. Statistical analysis of surge level and wave run-up is carried out using Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) in MIKE Zero.

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