
Cytoplasmic RNA sequences produced in HeLa cells infected with the adeno-virus 5 temperature-sensitive mutants ts1, ts2, ts9, ts17, ts18, ts19, ts20, ts22, ts49, ts36, and ts125 were characterized by hybridization to DNA probes generated by strand separation of restriction endonuclease fragments of adenovirus 5 DNA. Two ""early'' mutants defective in DNA synthesis, ts125 and ts36, fail to make wild-type levels of all previously reported classes of late RNA at the nonpermissive temperature. At 40.5 degrees C, both ts125 and ts36 synthesize a wild-type complement of early cytoplasmic RNA 16 h after infection. Under these conditions, no ""late'' cytoplasmic RNA sequences were observed. Similarly, nuclear RNA present in these cells resembled early cytoplasmic RNA rather than late nuclear RNA. All the late adenovirus 5 temperature-sensitive mutants synthesized normal wild-type levels of late cytoplasmic RNA at the nonpermissive temperature, except ts2, which appears to overproduce certain cytoplasmic species.

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