
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOTs) are very rare. We present a case series of eight AOTs seen and managed at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria over a 10-year period, from 2012 to 2021. Their epidemiological data and clinic-pathological information were obtained from the biopsy forms, histopathology reports, and case files archived in the Records Department of the hospital. The AOTs were diagnosed in 8 patients out of the 225 odontogenic tumors seen during the period giving a prevalence of 3.6%. Five patients (62.5%) were males, whereas three (37.5%) were females giving a male-to-female ratio of 1.7:1. The mean (SD) age at onset of lesion was 12.4 (5.4) years with a range of 5–21 years. The location of the tumors was anterior in 62.5% of the jaw cases. A maxillary location was observed in 62.5% of the cases. Pain complaint was reported in 25% of the subjects. Tumor fluid was aspirated in 75.0% (n = 6) of the lesions: straw aspirate (83.3%),and dark-brown aspirate (16.7%). A tooth was associated with the tumor in 87.5% (n = 7) of the cases, with the canine impacted in 85.7% (n = 6) of these. Only one case (12.5%) was extrafollicular. The AOTs are uncommon and differed from other Nigerian studies by exhibiting a male gender prevalence, lower mean age, and frequent straw aspirates.

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