
Since 2011, Yemen has experienced an internal conflict that has severely damaged the health care centres and basic infrastructure. Yemen was placed under Chapter VII by the Security Council due to its precarious condition and ongoing armed conflict. The international community had to urge international organizations to urgent intervention through saves-life programs. The purpose is to alleviate the refugee situation, provide food and medicine to the targeted populations during the conflict, and lessen the effects of the acute humanitarian crisis, which the United Nations called one of the worst humanitarian disasters in human history. Many international organizations have hired male and female language assistants to facilitate communication with the residents. The study aimed to address the contribution of female interpreters in supporting humanitarian actions. To answer the question of the study, “what is the role of female interpreters in supporting humanitarian actions”. The researcher randomly selected ten female interpreters working with international organizations, whether by fixed contract or freelance, to participate in an online interview. The study’s findings showed that female interpreters have a limited influence in supporting humanitarian actions in Yemen. Only a few female interpreters are employed in humanitarian organizations and health care centers. The study recommended that society and international organizations grant female interpreters more opportunities to work with health care centres and humanitarian programs. Further studies may be conducted on gender and translation in humanitarian crises.

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