
ABSTRACTSubstance abuse is a growing public health concern in the USA (US), especially now that the US faces a national drug overdose epidemic. Over the past decade, the number of drug overdose deaths has rapidly grown, largely driven by increases in prescription opioid-related overdoses. In recent years, increased heroin and illicitly manufactured fentanyl overdoses have substantially contributed to the rise of overdose deaths. Given the role of physicians in interacting with patients who are at risk for or currently abusing opioids and heroin, it is essential that physicians are aware of this issue and know how to respond. Unfortunately, medical school curricula do not devote substantial time to addiction education and many physicians lack knowledge regarding assessment and management of opioid addiction. While some schools have modified curricula to include content related to opioid prescription techniques and pain management, an added emphasis about the growing role of heroin and fentanyl is needed to adequately address the epidemic. By adapting curricula to address the rising opioid and heroin epidemic, medical schools have the potential to ensure that our future physicians can effectively recognize the signs, symptoms, and risks of opioid/heroin abuse and improve patient outcomes. This article proposes ways to include heroin and fentanyl education into medical school curricula and highlights the potential of simulation-based medical education to enable students to develop the skillset and emotional intelligence necessary to work with patients struggling with opioid and heroin addiction. This will result in future doctors who are better prepared to both prevent and recognize opioid and heroin addiction in patients, an important step in helping reduce the number of addicted patients and address the drug overdose epidemic.


  • Substance abuse is a major public health issue in America, especially given that the USA (US) is currently facing a national epidemic of overdose deaths, with more people dying from overdoses than ever recorded before [1]

  • One factor that may account for the sharp increase in the number of heroin users is the potential association between prescription opioid misuse and heroin use [7], as roughly 80% of heroin users report first abusing prescription opioids [8]

  • The issue of heroin and fentanyl abuse is a national public health crisis that needs to be addressed in order to counteract the devastating effects it has across the country, ranging from high numbers of overdose deaths and increasing incidences of medical conditions associated with

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Medical Education Online

ISSN: (Print) 1087-2981 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/zmeo. Addressing the growing opioid and heroin abuse epidemic: a call for medical school curricula. View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 15 View citing articles.

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