
The city of dhaka has been seeing a significant number of fire incidents. The exacerbation of the crisis is mostly attributed to a combination of institutional incompetence, insufficient equipment support, poor preventative measures, and a lack of awareness among people. The occurrence of fires in various shopping malls has become more prevalent in contemporary times. In the event of fire incidents inside shopping malls, there is a potential for both human casualties and property damage to occur. Contemporary shopping practices include the use of ornamental materials that possess a heightened susceptibility to combustion, hence amplifying the risk of fire incidents. The objective of this research is to assess the state of fire safety management in retail complexes. This research focuses on conducting a survey to assess fire safety in four high rise retail complexes located in the Mirpur region of Dhaka city. This study aimed to design a checklist methodology for assessing the fire safety standards of retail complexes. The assessment of fire safety levels in shopping malls by the Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense directorate involves assigning varying weights to several parameters related to fire safety management. A study has shown that the majority of shopping malls exhibit characteristics of being high rise and mixed use, hence exacerbating their susceptibility to fires and subsequently increasing the associated fire risk. The majority of the shopping centers that were assessed are situated next to important roads, which are often broad enough to accommodate fire engines. However, a recurring issue arises as these roadways often experience congestion or occupation. Out of the shopping centers surveyed, only Mirpur Shopping Center possesses an emergency exit and some essential fire signs and symbols. Conversely, the remaining three shopping centers, namely Shah Ali Plaza, Muktobangla Shopping Complex, and Shah Ali Shopping Complex, do not have designated emergency exits, signs, and symbols altogether. This deficiency causes these shopping centers to be more vulnerable to fire hazards and reduces their overall level of safety. These shopping malls are extensively encompassed by various electric poles and transformers. The fire safety score of Mirpur Shopping Center is 56.57 (excellent), Shah Ali Plaza is 33.55 (average) and Shah Ali Complex and Muktobangla is 25.44 and 26.75 (poor) respectively. The Fire hazard vulnerability score of Mirpur Shopping Center is 11 (less vulnerable), Shah Ali Plaza is 26 (moderate vulnerable), Muktobangla Shopping Complex is 31 (highly vulnerable) and Shah Ali Shopping Complex is 35 (highly vulnerable). A lot of people are talking about how the fire brigade in our country doesn't have the right tools or the most up-to-date training, and they aren't keeping an eye on safety measures closely enough.

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