
TheescalatingcostofhealthcareintheUnitedStateshasbeendescribedasanunsustainablecrisis.Thishighcostdoesnotalwaystranslateintobetteroutcomes.Fi-nancial expenditures frequently outweigh the clinicalbenefits,resultinginlow-valuecare.Whilemedicalprofessionalsatlargehavebeguntoconsider potential solutions for addressing high costsand low-value care, psychiatrists have been relativelyinsulated from the discussion for 2 reasons: their infre-quent use of the costliest medical procedures and thediffusion of their highest cost factor, psychiatric medi-cations, across a wide number of medical specialists.The bulk of antidepressants and antianxiety medica-tions, along with half of antipsychotics, are prescribedby other health care providers and specialties.

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