
Religious intolerance is a growing concern in today’s multi-faith communities. However, the key to solving this problem lies in religious texts. This study looks into the Islamic perspective on sustainable peace, using a hermeneutic analysis of the Qur’ānic texts to examine the relationship between religious tolerance and peace. A qualitative methodology is employed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of religious intolerance. The study decodes the Qur’ānic verses as a means to achieving long-term societal harmony. It has been discovered that one of the causes of religious intolerance in Muslim cultures is a lack of understanding and appreciation of the Qur’ān among Muslims. The study provides fresh insights into the role that religious texts can play in fostering a culture of tolerance and understanding. The findings of this study can be utilized to promote religious tolerance in multicultural societies through the implementation of inter-faith dialogue programmes and educational initiatives.

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