
Adversarial imitation learning (AIL) is a powerful method for automated decision systems due to training a policy efficiently by mimicking expert demonstrations. However, implicit bias is present in the reward function of these algorithms, which leads to sample inefficiency. To solve this issue, an algorithm, referred to as Mutual Information Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (MI-GAIL), is proposed to correct the biases. In this study, we propose two guidelines for designing an unbiased reward function. Based on these guidelines, we shape the reward function from the discriminator by adding auxiliary information from a potential-based reward function. The primary insight is that the potential-based reward function provides more accurate rewards for actions identified in the two guidelines. We compare our algorithm with SOTA imitation learning algorithms on a family of continuous control tasks. Experiments results show that MI-GAIL is able to address the issue of bias in AIL reward functions and further improve sample efficiency and training stability.

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