
Punjab is an agrarian state and faces a critical problem of burning of crop residues to eliminate waste from agricultural fields. This emits large amount of particulate matters and green house gases, which adversely affect human health as well as the environment. In order to address this problem, biogas can be used as it is one of the renewable sources to supply clean energy and green manure and is an excellent solution for mitigation of climate change. The National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) initiated in 2005 aims to reduce usage of conventional fuels in houses and in agriculture to encourage usage of renewable energy sources. The main objective of the paper is to explore the development of NBMMP scheme in Punjab while assessing the perspective of beneficiaries towards use of biogas plant from three districts of Punjab. The analytical study shows that beneficiaries are satisfied with working and performance of biogas plants and this has reduced the carbon emission through use of unprocessed biomass and has also decreased the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers in farms. The results of study highlight the gaps in promoting awareness regarding biogas plants in rural areas in Punjab.

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