
Sustainability education equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values to address complex environmental, social, and economic challenges. Like many other nations, Kazakhstan recognizes the importance of integrating sustainable development principles and values into education to foster a sustainable and resilient future. However, several hurdles, such as the COVID-19 lockdown, have impeded the country’s effective implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. The study explores these barriers and constraints and proposes potential strategies for advancing sustainability education practices in the Kazakh educational scene. This study used a qualitative methodology involving interviews with first-year students from four Kazakh universities. The study results show that preserving the role of education in fostering a sustainable society will pave the way for a brighter and greener future for the nation and its citizens beyond lockdown. The findings revealed that using the transformative power of education, Kazakhstan, with its more sustainable and inclusive education system, can nurture a generation equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to advance the country towards a sustainable future. The findings and conclusions of this study can guide policymakers, educators, and stakeholders in better addressing the challenges of sustainable development in Kazakhstan and enhancing ESD practices in Kazakh schools and institutions.

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