
Body image or how a person views their body and the way it functions ultimately influences their quality of life and functional well-being in their daily environments. The changes to appearance or to body structures and functions that occur as a result of cancer and its treatment can cause individuals to become dissatisfied with their body image where maladaptive emotions, thought processes, and behaviors develop and may lead to deleterious consequences including social avoidance and isolation. Although reconstructive surgery is restorative in nature, it does not guarantee the mitigation of body image dissatisfaction when treating adults with cancer. The majority of adults who undergo reconstructive surgery for the treatment of cancer demonstrate some level of body image dissatisfaction during or after the reconstructive process. Therefore, a need exists for nurses and other oncological team members to recognize and address body image dissatisfaction and the detrimental emotional and behavioral consequences associated with it. This article provides guidance for nurses to address body image by understanding the effects of cancer and its treatment on body image, by recognizing the impact of reconstructive surgery on body image when treating cancer in adults, and by integrating body image assessment and interventions into practice.

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