
In this review, the particular importance and associated opportunities of additively manufactured radiofrequency (RF) components and modules for Internet of Things (IoT) and millimeter-wave ubiquitous sensing applications is thoroughly discussed. First, the current advances and capabilities of additive manufacturing (AM) tools are presented. Then, completely printed chipless radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems, and their current capabilities and limitations are reported. The focus is then shifted toward more complex backscattering energy autonomous RF structures. For each of the essential components of these structures, that encompass energy harvesting and storage, backscattering front ends, passive components, interconnects, packaging, shape-chaging (4-D printed) topologies and sensing elements, current trends are described and representative stateof- the-art examples reported. Finally, the results of this analysis are used to argue for the unique appeal of AM RF components and systems toward empowering a technological revolution of costefficient dense and ubiquitous IoT implementations.

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