
A novel ascomycete genus, Longihyalospora, occurring on leaf litter of Ficus ampelas in Dahu Forest Area in Chiayi, Taiwan is described and illustrated. Longihyalospora is characterized by dark mycelium covering the upper leaf surface, elongate mycelial pellicle with ring of setae, pale brown to brown peridium, broadly obovoid, short pedicellate asci and hyaline, fusiform, elongated (tapering ends) and multi-septate ascospores with a thin mucilaginous sheath. Phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data revealed Longihyalospora as a distinct genus within the Chaetothyriaceae with high bootstrap support. Moreover, based on morphological similarities, Chaetothyrium vermisporum transferred to the new genus. In addition, Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme is reported for the first time on Ficus ampelas. Newly added species are compared with other similar species and comprehensive descriptions and micrographs are provided.


  • The family Chaetothyriaceae was established by Hansford (1946) with the generic type Chaetothyrium Speg., and the members of this family are characterized by a loose network of dark mycelium over the substrate, ascomata produced beneath a mycelial pellicle, and forming beneath an external hyphal mat with or without setae (Batista and Ciferri 1962; von Arx and Müller 1975; Hughes 1976; Pereira et al 2009; Chomnunti et al 2012; Tian et al 2014; Zeng et al 2016)

  • The phylogeny recovered agrees with previously established ones in that Ceramothyrium is within the Chaetothyriales (Zeng et al 2016; Maharachchikumbura et al 2018; Yang et al 2018)

  • Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme has been previously reported from Thailand on unidentified sp. and we provide the new host record of Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme on Ficus ampelas (Moraceae)

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The family Chaetothyriaceae was established by Hansford (1946) with the generic type Chaetothyrium Speg., and the members of this family are characterized by a loose network of dark mycelium over the substrate, ascomata produced beneath a mycelial pellicle, and forming beneath an external hyphal mat with or without setae (Batista and Ciferri 1962; von Arx and Müller 1975; Hughes 1976; Pereira et al 2009; Chomnunti et al 2012; Tian et al 2014; Zeng et al 2016). 16 genera are accepted in Chaetothyriaceae, viz. Actinocymbe Höhn., Aphanophora Réblová & Unter., Beelia F. Henn., Stanhughesia Constant., Treubiomyces Höhn., Vonarxia Bat. and Yatesula Syd. Syd. (Wijayawardene et al 2018)

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