
When Durrant prepared his “Mammals of Utah, taxonomy and distribution” (Univ. Kans. Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 6:1-549, 1952) he had comparatively few specimens and records of some kinds of mammals from the Bonneville Basin, particularly from Tooele County. Intensive field work from 1951 to 1955 in Tooele County and other parts of the western Utah desert has extended the known ranges of several mammals to include the northern Bonneville Basin. These records, together with additional specimens and records of certain little-known species already reported from the area, are the basis for this paper. “Specimens examined” are in the collections of Ecological Research at Dugway, Utah; the “other records” resulted from special studies where the mammals collected were identified and recorded but were not prepared as specimens. Most of the present and former members (both civilian and military) on the staff of Ecological Research have contributed time and effort collecting specimens and recording data used in this report. S. D. Durrant confirmed the identification of some of the cottontail rabbits and critically read the manuscript. This work was supported in part by U.S. Army Chemical Corps contracts, Nos. DA-18-108-CML-4776 and DA-18-064-CML-2455, with the University of Utah. Sylvilagus auduboni arizonae? (Allen), Audubon cottontail.—A specimen from Gold Hill, Tooele County, extends the known area of occurrence approximately 40 miles northward. Other records and specimens from the intervening valleys and foothills of desert ranges between the Stansbury and Deep Creek mountains (1951–1955) indicate that this cottontail is uncommon in suitable habitats throughout the area. Cottontails reported ( in verbis ) by several persons to occur in the Newfoundland Mountains, a low desert range in Boxelder County, may also prove to be of this species. As previously stated by Durrant ( op. cit. : 86), the taxonomic status of the Audubon cottontail in the Bonneville Basin still awaits …

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