
Commenting on a recent editorial in this journal which presented four challenges global health networks will have to tackle to be effective, this essay discusses why this type of analysis is important for global health scholars and practitioners, and why it is worth understanding and critically engaging with the complexities behind these challenges. Focusing on the topics of problem definition and positioning, I outline additional insights from social science theory to demonstrate how networks and network researchers can evaluate these processes, and how these processes contribute to better organizing, advocacy, and public health outcomes. This essay also raises multiple questions regarding these processes for future research.


  • AArrAttiircctllieecHHleiissHttooisrrtyyo:: ry: RReeRcceeeiicvveiddv::e55dSS: ee1pp0tteeJummlybbee2rr02210071155 AAccAcceecppctteeepddt::e11d33: OO3 ccStteoopbbteeerrm22b0011e55r 2017 eePPeuuPbbulliissbhhlieesddh::e11d55: OO10ccttSooebbpeetrre22m0011b55er 2017 how theseupnrdoecrelsinseestchoenotrpipbourtteutnoitbyeftotrerpoorligtaicnailzcinhgan, agdesv,otcharcoyu,gahndpopluitbiclaicl ahretaicltuhlaotiuotncoomf aens. iTsshuies,easnsadycaollsloecrtaivisees multiple qmueosbtiloiznastiroengabradsiendgotnhessuecphraonceasrsteicsufloartifount.ure research

  • Research in social psychology and social movement scholarship has found that alignment in framing is important for persuasion and the adoption of new policies.[8,9,10,11]

  • The more thinking and strategizing networks have done internally on how to broaden the coalition of supporters, the more prepared they will be for external audiences. This process is referred to as strategic framing, which advocates can use to emphasize different values or norms surrounding the problem and solution with the goal of matching the values or norms held by policy gatekeepers

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AArrAttiircctllieecHHleiissHttooisrrtyyo:: ry: RReeRcceeeiicvveiddv::e55dSS: ee1pp0tteeJummlybbee2rr02210071155 AAccAcceecppctteeepddt::e11d33: OO3 ccStteoopbbteeerrm22b0011e55r 2017 eePPeuuPbbulliissbhhlieesddh::e11d55: OO10ccttSooebbpeetrre22m0011b55er 2017 how theseupnrdoecrelsinseestchoenotrpipbourtteutnoitbyeftotrerpoorligtaicnailzcinhgan, agdesv,otcharcoyu,gahndpopluitbiclaicl ahretaicltuhlaotiuotncoomf aens. iTsshuies,easnsadycaollsloecrtaivisees multiple qmueosbtiloiznastiroengabradsiendgotnhessuecphraonceasrsteicsufloartifount.ure research. When targeting donors and health and other ministries, networks typically rely on the problem and solution definitions they create internally, and not necessarily on the way their targets see the issue.

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