
Soybean BiPD accumulation in independently transformed transgenic Arabidopsis lines. a Coomassie–stained protein gel and (b) immunoblot of whole cell protein extracts and microsomal fractions of Arabidopsis leaves. Equal amounts of whole cell protein extract (20 μg) and microsomal fraction (20 μg) from leaves of Col–0 (wild type) and transgenic lines (T07, T10, T13, T23) were separated by SDS–PAGE and either stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 (a) or transferred to nitrocellulose and immunoblotted with anti–carboxy BiP serum (b). c Soybean BiPD is correctly localized in the microsomal fraction. SoyBiPD accumulation was monitored as in a, but in addition to the total protein (TP) and the microsomal fraction (MF), we included in the blot the cytosolic fraction (CF), which was probed with an anti–cytosolic UGPase serum to certify that BiP accumulation was restricted to the microsomal fraction of transgenic lines. (TIF 3471 kb)

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