
Selected fungal annotated transcript results, including those discussed in the text. The table contains the following information for selected microbial assigned transcripts that are expressed in Holcus lanatus roots, many of which discussed in the text: 1) Transcript ID; 2) Best BLAST match (taxonomic division, genus and gene description); 3) KOG annotations (KOG ID, KOG group, KOG class, KOG definition); 4) possible role; 5) relevant reference (citations for relevant references are contained in Additional file 7); 6) two columns to indicate whether the transcript was significantly upregulated in acid or limestone soil, acid or limestone ecotype; 7) The full DESeq2 result for each root pairwise comparison: these columns contain the log2foldchange and adjusted P value (FDR) for root pairwise comparisons. Pairwise comparisons are coded as follows: soil (A = acid bog soil, L = limestone quarry soil), plant ecotype (a = acid bog plant ecotype, l = limestone quarry plant ecotype): Root Aa-v-La = Acid bog soil acid ecotype versus Limestone soil acid ecotype, Root Al-v-Ll = Acid bog soil limestone ecotype versus Limestone soil limestone ecotype, Root Aa-v-Al = Acid bog soil acid ecotype versus Acid bog soil limestone ecotype, Root La-v-Ll = Limestone soil acid ecotype versus Limestone soil limestone ecotype. (XLSX 35 kb)

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