
In the summer of 1933 the writers spent about three weeks botanizing in Missouri, collecting in twenty-eight counties in different parts of the state, and in the season of 1934 the junior author made an extended botanical survey of the state visiting many other counties. were found in nearly all of the localities explored, and as a result of the two expeditions, while no new species were added to the known fern flora of the state, at least two records of considerable interest were made and many others that add valuable data as to the distribution of ferns in the state. As the published records for the state are still very incomplete, a list of the new records from counties not mentioned in our previous paper on the Ferns and Fern Allies of Missouri1 or in Miss Pinkerton's paper under the same title,2 will be found here. The new records established in 1933 are designated on the list by an asterisk (*). All others are based upon collections by the junior author in 1934. Specimens of all of the collections have been deposited in the herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden and duplicates of many of them will be found in the Gray Herbarium and in other collections.

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