
SummarySeveral studies were carried out to investigate the soil microbial components involved in suppressing strawberry black rot root which occurs throughout the Italian strawberry growing region. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of fungi involved in black root rot were combined with several soil microbial parameters involved in soil suppressiveness towards black root rot agents. The first survey, carried out in an intensively cultivated area of northern Italy, identified Rhizoctonia spp. as the main root pathogen together with several typical weak pathogens belonging to the well‐known black rot root complex of strawberry crop: Cylindrocarpondestructans, Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Pestalotia longiseta and others. The root colonisation frequency of strawberry plants increased strongly from autumn to spring at harvesting stage. Rhizoctonia spp. were the only pathogens which followed the rising trend of root colonisation with relative frequency; all the weak pathogens of strawberry black root rot complex did not vary their frequency. Only non‐pathogenic fungi decreased from autumn to spring when at least 60% of colonising fungi were represented by Rhizoctonia. These data suggested that the late vegetative stage was the best time to record the soil inoculum of root rot agents in strawberry using root infection frequency as a parameter of soil health. A further study was performed in two fields, chosen for their common soil texture and pH, but with significant differences in previous soil management: one (ALSIA) had been subjected to strawberry monoculture without organic input for several years; the other (CIF) has been managed according to a 4‐year crop rotation and high organic input. In this study Pythium artificially inoculated was adopted as an indicator for the behaviour of saprophytically living pathogens in bulk soil. Pythium showed a sharp, different response after inoculation in bulk soil from the two soil systems evaluated. Pythium was suppressed only in the CIF field where the highest levels of total fungi and fluorescent bacteria and highest variability were observed. The suppressiveness conditions towards Pythium, observed in the CIF and absent in the ALSIA field, corresponded with the root infection frequency recorded at the late vegetative stage on strawberry plants grown in the two fields: strawberry plants from the CIF field showed lower root colonisation frequency and higher variability than that recorded on those coming from the ALSIA field.

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