
Currently, EPR measurements are based on the assumption that odontogenesis (the series of events between the bud formation stage until the complete maturation of the tooth) is finished as soon as the tooth erupts. Consequently, it is also assumed that the hydroxyapatite concentration of the enamel (source of free radicals) does not depend on tooth age. However, the present work provides evidence that odontogenesis does not end after tooth eruption but continues for several years after eruption. Fifty-nine molars and pre-molars were analyzed by EPR spectroscopy. Tooth enamel samples were irradiated with different doses of gamma radiation from a 60Co source. The resulting EPR signals were evaluated in terms of posteruption tooth age and tooth position. It was found that, except for wisdom teeth, the concentration of the dosimetric EPR free radicals increased with tooth age after eruption and became constant after a certain period. A mathematical equation was developed to describe this effect as a function of tooth age, tooth position and applied dose. The results suggest that EPR measurements obtained on young teeth should be interpreted carefully unless data are available that would allow one to describe the effect of posteruptive enamel maturation on the EPR estimated dose quantitatively. Little or no correction is needed for older teeth. Since only a limited number of young teeth were available for the present study, further studies are needed to clarify the situation and quantify this effect.

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