
Background: Dry yeast is considered a food additive that is used as a probiotic. In this study, it was added to the diet of quails that were raised at different densities to enhance growth and raise production performance, especially with the high density of birds per unit area. Methods: This research was conducted in the field of poultry production, College of Agriculture and Forestry/University of Mosul, (50 days) to study the effect of adding yeast in concentrations of (0, 2, 4, 6) gram/liter of drinking water with three densities of breeding (56, 72, 88) birds/m2 for the purpose of identifying the productive performance and some characteristics that are related to egg production for quail birds. Result: Statistical analysis showed that: - Average body weight, weight gain and feed consumption increased significantly with increasing the density, while the feed conversion factor decreased with the increase of egg mass at a density of 72 birds/m2. From the other hand, the egg weight increased significantly at the density of 88 birds/m2. - Body weight and weight gain increased significantly with increasing the amount of the yeast added and the consumed feed decreased with the improvement in the feed conversion factor. Moreover, there was a significant increase in egg mass, both of the weight of egg, yolk, albumin, shell, egg length, height of yolk and albumin. - The combination 72 bird/m2 +4 gm yeast gave the best body weight, weight gain, egg mass, while the conversion factor decreased with the addition of yeast for all densities in addition to a significant increase in the weight of each of egg, yolk, albumin and the shell. The feed consumption increased significantly in the density 88 bird /m2 with different concentrations of yeast addition.

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