
It is widely known that the miscibility between donor and acceptor is a crucial factor that affects the morphology and thus device performance of nonfullerene organic solar cells (OSCs). In this Letter, we show that incorporating a third component with lower miscibility and higher lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) level into the state-of-the-art PM6:Y6 system can significantly enhance the performance of devices. The best results of the ternary devices are achieved by adding a small molecular acceptor named ITCPTC (similar to 5% w/w), which significantly improves the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the host system from 16.44% to 17.42%. The higher LUMO of the third component increases the open-circuit voltage (V-oc), while the low miscibility enlarges the domains and leads to improved short-circuit current density (J(sc)) and fill factor (FF). The efficacy of this strategy is supported by using other nonfullerene third components including an asymmetric small molecule (N7IT) and a polymer acceptor (PF2-DTC), which play the same role as ITCPTC and boost the PCEs to 16.96% and 17.04%, respectively. Our approach can be potentially applied to a wide range of OSC material systems and should facilitate the development of the OSC field.

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