
Shortly after our publication, Dr. Gavin Thomas informed usthat four proteins (BugD, BugE, Bug27 and TT1099), belonging tothe TAXI and TTT families of TRAP-transporters[1–4], were miss-ing from our analysis. We then performed a DALI search[5] inaddition to the FFAS server and PSI-BLAST and detected 7 new pro-tein structures. Those are: BugD (PDB code: 2F5X), BugE (PDBcode: 2DVZ), Bug27 (PDB code: 2QPQ), TT1099 (PDB code: 1US5),a maltose-binding protein (TMBP (PDB code: 1EU8)) and two glu-tamate-binding proteins, GluR0 and DEBP (PDB codes: 1II5 and2VHA, respectively). The structural similarity analysis was redonewith in total 114 unique entries in the PDB, but the overall out-come was the same. The newly included proteins fall within thepreviously determined clusters: TMBP clustered with the other oli-gosaccharide-binding proteins in Cluster D, and the other six pro-teins fell in Cluster F.

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