
Bushing is a part of rubber curing machine that have function as cushion pin joint , generally make from a bronze material. Pin joint have a function to connected with 1 paired linkage arm with rotated crank gear of each via pin joint to get closing force at rubber curing machine when mould closed. When bushing condition at pin joint on rubber curing machine was not good caused by friction. It will make closing force linkage arm left and right ( 1 paired ) on rubber curing machine unbalanced. So it will make closing force to force closed rubber mould undistributed evenly, so it caused mould rubber closed with gap. This condition will make defect rubber product open mould after cured finished. In this case is important to find new methode detection and monitored bushing condition. This research was done by measured vibration around pin joint at linkage arm by taking data of sound and acceleration on the real object research and used 2D software simulator to measured bushing condition good or not. Acceleration measurement was done by measured at axis Y and Z by used accelerometer sensor, and accelero sensor on cell phone via sains journal android application. And collected the data stress value on linkage arm by used nidle dial gauge millimeter scale. By simulation software are measured acceleration at axis X and Y with good bushing condition or vise versa.The actual data that was collected : acceleration, sound vibration and stress value and simulated data by software to be compare the amplitude and choose the biggest amplitude as new methode measurement of vibration to detect and monitor bushing condition.From the result data, detection of vibration around pin joint by acceleration value by used accelerometer sensor measured at axis Y and Z more prefer with the other measurement methode.

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