
The dynamics of evolution is intimately shaped by epistasis — interactions between genetic elements which cause the fitness-effect of combinations of mutations to be non-additive. Analyzing evolutionary dynamics that involves large numbers of epistatic mutations is intrinsically difficult. A crucial feature is that the fitness landscape in the vicinity of the current genome depends on the evolutionary history. A key step is thus developing models that enable study of the effects of past evolution on future evolution. In this work, we introduce a broad class of high-dimensional random fitness landscapes for which the correlations between fitnesses of genomes are a general function of genetic distance. Their Gaussian character allows for tractable computational as well as analytic understanding. We study the properties of these landscapes focusing on the simplest evolutionary process: random adaptive (uphill) walks. Conventional measures of “ruggedness” are shown to not much affect such adaptive walks. Instead, the long-distance statistics of epistasis cause all properties to be highly conditional on past evolution, determining the statistics of the local landscape (the distribution of fitness-effects of available mutations and combinations of these), as well as the global geometry of evolutionary trajectories. In order to further explore the effects of conditioning on past evolution, we model the effects of slowly changing environments. At long times, such fitness “seascapes” cause a statistical steady state with highly intermittent evolutionary dynamics: populations undergo bursts of rapid adaptation, interspersed with periods in which adaptive mutations are rare and the population waits for more new directions to be opened up by changes in the environment. Finally, we discuss prospects for studying more complex evolutionary dynamics and on broader classes of high-dimensional landscapes and seascapes.

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