
A mobile mapping system (MMS) utilizes global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and inertial navigation system (INS) techniques and thus makes possible a direct geo-referencing solution everywhere along its surveyed path. It is capable of acquiring a vast amount of spatial information in an efficient manner and is adopted in a wide variety of applications. However, when the GNSS signal is obstructed, its positioning solution can only rely on the INS observables, which acquire significant and cumulative errors over time. In this study, an adaptive time-variant adjustment model is proposed to compensate for the MMS positioning error in a GNSS-hostile area using ground calibration points. Based on the results from a case study, it illustrates that the positioning error of a mobile mapping platform in an urban area for a long time could reach a level of several metres because of GNSS signal obstructions. However, this error can be properly modelled and significantly reduced to a centimetre-level when the proposed approach is applied. Consequently, both the efficiency and reliability of the MMS applications in a GNSS hostile environment can be further guaranteed.

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