
The results of determining adaptive responses to treatment of patients with industrial injuries in the early stages of rehabilitation are presented. Studies have shown that the preliminary determination of reactions by L.Kh. Garkavi allows you to individually plan the duration of stay, the nature of treatment procedures with their sequence for each patient.The aim of the study is to study the adaptation indicators according to L.Kh. Garkavi in patients with occupational injuries before treatment, during rehabilitation and aft er its completion.Patients with industrial injuries, aimed at early rehabilitation, were determined by L.Kh. Garkavi adaptation reaction using the blood formula with the ratio of white blood cells, eosinophils, rod-shaped neutrophils, segmentonuclear neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes three times — before treatment, fi ve days aft er the end of the program. Th e resulting adaptation system data was evaluated as “training”, “quiet activation”, “increased activation”, or “stress”.The application of the scheme for diff erent periods of treatment according to the response of individually adapting the patient to begin rehabilitation contributed to the full year program: disappeared pain syndrome, restored the functional ability of the respective injured body, help prevent development of disability, decreased period of disability.The highly informative adaptation response, determined by the blood formula, answers the question about the reserve capabilities of this patient, which ultimately provides a positive result in the form of recovery of working capacity in the case of a fl exible rehabilitation scheme.

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