
In response to the challenge of pose estimation accuracy for unmanned carrier-based aircraft in complex maritime landing environments, we propose an adaptive strong tracking cubature particle filtering method based on an improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Backpropagation Neural Network (GA-BPNN) and multiple fading factors. Despite the effectiveness of strong tracking cubature Kalman filtering (STCKF) in adjusting the covariance of prediction estimation errors using fading factors, it still has limitations in terms of model correction and parameter estimation. Addressing this issue, our research delves deeper into the role of fading factors in adjusting process noise covariance and introduces two methods to maintain covariance matrix symmetry: direct matrix solving and trace matrix solving. This novel approach directly implements real-time dynamic feedback correction of system model parameters within the filtering framework, effectively resolving filtering divergence issues while maintaining a high level of conceptual clarity and interpretability. To further enhance the algorithm’s performance, we introduce an improved neural network algorithm to compensate for linear approximation errors in fading factor calculations, thereby improving filtering accuracy. Moreover, considering the limitations of cubature Kalman filtering when dealing with non-Gaussian systems, we integrate the adaptive STCKF based on the improved GA-BPNN into particle filtering as an importance function, aiming to enhance non-Gaussian processing performance and alleviate particle degeneracy issues. In conclusion, both simulation and real-world data tests confirm the superiority of our research approach.

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